Growing With Hope
Growing with hope is an after-school child´s sponsorship program in Quinindé Ecuador. The vision of this ministry is to reach children and families living in poverty and at high risk of abuse in the marginal communities. The women identified a deep need to minister to the many vulnerable children of these communities who were literally abandoned in the streets. With a high incidence of abuse and neglect, the mission walked alongside these women to organize an educational day program. That program has now grown into an afterschool program which helps 350 children and their families in the three communities of Cesar Proaño, Malecon and Dos de Mayo. The program depends on sponsors for each child and the generous donations of supporters. Through these donations, we have been able to buy property and construct buildings to house these projects. These donations also enable the children in these communities to be able to go to school as it helps them with school uniforms and supplies. After school (which finishes as 12:30 p.m.), the children come to the project where they receive a nutritious meal and a Bible study, after which the teachers assist them with their academic homework. Then they have time for play and other educational activities. The program provides medical attention, counselling, and emotional care to the families. It offers different workshops such as baking, first aid, jewelry, electricity etc. to help train the children and their family’s in micro industry. The mission works with the parents and caregivers on a weekly basis with the desire to see families live healthy lives in unity. The projects receive children at the age of four and accompany them throughout their school years. Each child can apply for a scholarship if they desire to continue post graduate studies once they complete high school.